"When the employers' is wealthy, the nation is wealthy"


Dear All,

It is our great pleasure to introduce to you Mongolian Employers’ Federation.

Since 1990, in historical transition period from centralized economy to the market economy, MONEF was established with the aim to support employers’ interest and as well as promoting and supporting the private sector role in national development through the bridge of peace and understanding. Activities which

During the past 20 years, the federation has take in account of following activities: 

  • Promoting member, supporter and private sector development, to help formulate the law and governmental policies.
  • To promote a social tripartite partnership.
  • To defend members and employers legal rights and interest.
  • Development of HR virtual capital.
  • Provide necessary information to members and supporters.
  • To organize a training and give an advice on labor relation, Occupational Safety and Health, wage system, Human resource, finance-tax relation, legal legislation, Management, Private-Public –Partnership.
  • HR mediation, development of labor relation documents, finance-tax report and transmission of occupational safety and health management system.
  • Represent private sectors position in an International policy conference, meetings, and trainings.
  • To involve members and supporters in an exhibitions organized in overseas.
  • Capacity building on regional private sectors employers and regional governance – private sector representatives’ collaboration.

MONEF is a nationwide organization embracing 21 regional employers’ associations, 12 sectoral associations and representing agency in 60 soums, 41 professional associations, and 12 sectoral associations and representing collectively around 8100 business.

Finally, from MONEF, We are pleased to express our sincere gratitude to all those who have supported and cooperated with us in the activities of the federation. We look forward to your continued support.

Sincerely yours,


President of Mongolian Employers’ Federation

Brief history:

Mongolian Employers’ Federation is an independent and non-government membership and self-financing organization.

MONEF has established on 29th of September, 1990 by 35 private company owners, voluntarily affiliated. MONEF was established with the aim to support the employers’ interest and as well as promoting the private sector’s development through it is services. 

The name was changed to Mongolian Employers’ Federation (MONEF) by the second assembly resolution, in 1998.

Today, MONEF is a NATIONWIDE organization embracing 21 regional employers’ associations, representing agency in 60 soums, 41 professional associations, 12 sectoral associations and representing collectively around 8100 business in the manufacturing, construction, transportation, banking, insurance and service sectors.

MONEF has responsibility of providing members and members-organizations with necessary information, training, consultancy services on related subjects, and playing an important role on developing cooperated activities with other Employers’ organizations at the International Level.

As the sole organization with the resources to tackle a broad range of labour issues in Mongolia, MONEF is committed helping members to be better informed and represented. It plays an important role in the decision making process at the National Tripartite Committee.

MONEF’s membership is open to all local and foreign employers in Mongolia, who support MONEF’s mission and it is objectives. 


 To be the leading and respected voice of business which represents employers needs, rights in social relations in Mongolia at national, regional and international level.


  • To protect the interest of Private sector in Mongolia
  • Make an influence for Employers’ interest, business and labor related issues in the Governance policy, activities and legislation
  • To assist employers in continuously strengthening labor management relations and improving productivity and competitiveness.
  • To enable employers to meet current and future business challenges.
  • To influence in balancing the labor market supply.

Main duties:

  • To fulfill social and economic stability through social partnership and tripartite negotiation
  • To fulfill private sector participation in positive influence of social development through Private Public Partnership
  • To represent members on preventing from corruption and bureaucracy through developing Private Public Partnership
  • To increase members participation in poverty and unemployment reduction by positive influence to economy through business development
  • To create employers and employee social partnership through providing favorable employment in private sector
  • To improve work productivity through developing decent work relation based on labor market demand
  • To improve members competitiveness in international market
  • To cooperate with governmental agencies through establishment of good partnership and protection of employers legal rights and interests.
  • To encourage employment

To provide employers members and supporters supply based services


The Mongolian Employers’ Federation 

MONEF is the member based organization that represents the interest of employers in communication with Mongolian Government, State Ikh Khural and the president of Mongolia, working to reflect employers interest and position in formulation of law and nation policy development and representing employers right in front of state, trade union and mass media. The role of reflecting the private sector position and interest in resolution from local administrators and state authorities is carried out by sectoral associations.

   It is well recognized and respected as the most representative voice of the business at the national and international level.

The federation has been promoting private sector development by representing the employers’ interest within a social tripartite partnership to help to formulate laws and governmental policies that are conducive to business in Mongolia.  Our cooperative effort has significantly helped to improve the industrial relations in Mongolia.   At the same time we developed valuable direct services to our members including HR management, training and information dissemination that help enterprise to stay competitive in the global market.

International cooperation:

  • International Labor Organization (1919)
  • International Employers Organization (IEO 1919), since 1998
  • Confederation of Asian Pacific Employers (CAPE 2001)
  • International Regional office in Bangkok and Beijing
  • World Health Organization (WHO)
  • European Union Tasis
  • World Bank
  • Asian Development Bank(ADB)
  • Asian Fund
  • United Nation’s project and program
  • European Union Employers Organization
  • Japan Business Federation
  • Korean Employers’ Federation
  • Malaysian Employers’ Federation
  • Singapore Employers’ Federation
  • German organization “INWENT” specializing organizational capacity building
  • Dutch Employers’ Cooperation Program
  • Foreign Consulate and Embassies in Mongolia

Committee, councils and organizations representing the members:

  • Mongolian Great Khural
  • Government of Mongolia
  • Ministries and Government Agencies
  • Tripartite National Committee of Labor and Social Consensus
  • National Committee of Social Insurance
  • National Committee of Employment promotion
  • National Committee of Vocational Training
  • National Council of Health Insurance
  • National Tripartite Committee of Occupational Safety and Health
  • Technical committee and council of Standardization
  • Technical committee of Labor Defense
  • National Steering committee of IPEC Program on Combating Child Labor
  • National Committee of Millennium Challenge Account
  • Sub Committee on Promotion of Implementing International Labor Organization Standard
  • Public – Private sector – Partnership committee
  • Committee of Capital Occupational Safety and Health
  • Affiliated committee of Capital vocational education
  • National Committee of Human Rights
  • Good governance program on Provision of Human Safety
  • Consultative Joint committee of Government and Private Sector
  • Consultative Committee of Capital Governance and Private sector enterprises collaboration regulation
  • Public committee under the state inspection agency
  • Subcommittee of people with disability
  • Committee on support employment of people with disability
  • National Consultative Committee of the ILO project on Informal Economy
  • National Committee of Support Youth employment
  • Dispute settlement committee of national social insurance
  • Sectoral committee on State health insurance
  • Tripartite sectoral committee on wage issues
  • Member of governing body of enterprise development project
  • Temporary committee on against corruption and bureaucracy near to Professional Inspection agency
  • Public committee near to professional inspection agency
  • Temporary committee near to National taxation agency
  • National committee of mist less Ulaanbaatar project
  • Member of governing body of food and social welfare project
  • National and project committee of prevention on HIV/AIDS project

Agencies and organizations cooperating by the agreement and memorandum

  • State great Khural office
  • Anti corruption agency of Mongolia
  • Professional inspection agency
  • Bureau of Standards
  • State property office
  • National development and renovation committee
  • Ministry of Finance
  • State taxation office
  • Ministry of Justice
  • Ministry of education, culture and science
  • Vocational education centre
  • Ministry of food, agriculture and light industry
  • Small and medium size industry
  • Ministry of mineral and energy
  • Ministry of Social welfare and labor
  • State social insurance agency
  • Labor and welfare service agency
  • State labor market
  • Capital labor market
  • Agency near the State government office
  • Government office of districts
  • Confederation of Mongolian Trade Union
  • Zung-Hua association of Chinese investors
  • Korean Investors Association
  • Business council of Germany and Mongolia
  • North American Investors association
  • Vietnamese Investors association
  • Professional Associations

Conducted surveys:

  • Wage survey in mining sector
  • Job description in mining sector
  • Survey on corruption level in Mongolia
  • Monitoring in activities of business incubator centre
  • Survey on Employment of disability people
  • Employment of people aged above 45 years
  • Youth employment in Mongolian market economic transaction
  • Evaluation of labor, condition, training on labor relation, employees quality
  • To increase employers participation on worst forms of child labor
  • Employers’ participation in elimination of worst forms of child labor in a formal mining
  • Usage of Standards- fair business
  • Survey on labor market needs and demands
  • Survey on Public Private sector partnership readiness
  • Survey on prevention on HIV/AIDS in risky workplace current situation

Implemented projects and programmes:

  • International programme on elimination of child labor
  • Prevention on HIV/AIDS in workplace programme
  • Survey on Evaluation of labor, condition, training on labor relation, employees quality project
  • Project on employment of people aged above 45 years
  • Project on Employers’ participation in elimination of worst form of child labor in a formal mining
  • Private sector participation in implementation Millennium development goals
  • Definition of private sector participation in implementing Millennium Development goal 
  • Private sector participation in anti corruption activities
  • Standards and fair business
  • All citizens against the poverty expedition
  • You have an opportunity
  • Start and improve your business
  • Work Improvement in Small enterprises
  • Know about Business
  • Support brain work programme

Decision Making process and policy development:

MONEF’s highest authority is the General Assembly which meets every four year. General Assembly approves the strategic plan and elects the president and Board members. MONEF’s governing body consists 51 members, prepares the General assembly agenda and guides committee activities of MONEF.

Structure of Decision making and policy implementation:

MONEF’s decision making and policy implementation structure is implementing their activities based on the President agreement. The MONEF’s secretariats are working under the Executive Director’s control, responsible for the daily operations of the Mongolian Employers’ Federation and provide direct and prompt services to members and non-members organizations.

MONEF services to our members:

Based on social needs, economic development and private sector competitiveness capacity we are providing the services to our members and supporters.

Training: MONEF’s training and information department is increasing members, supporters and managers capacity and competitiveness through long and short term training.


  • In a training room
  • In a workplace
  • In a foreign countries

Targeted groups:

  • Employers
  • Enterprises
  • New employee
  • Refreshment training
  • Advanced training
  • Professional Training

To determine training needs:

  • Survey on employers’ needs
  • Survey through Human resource managers on training needs
  • Request from the members and employers

Training type:

  • Public Private sector partnership
  • Public Private sector cooperation
  • Company governance
  • Human resource management
  • Company management training
  • Productivity and industry development
  • Social security
  • Occupational Safety and Health
  • Workplace risk management
  • Company social responsibility
  • Labor relation complex issues
  • Social Partnership
  • Standard usage
  • Accountancy, finance-taxation relation and social insurance
  • Economic benefit of energy and heating
  • Training on enterprises development
  • Usage of Legal documents
  • Archive and documentation
  • Marketing, selling and management
  • Professional English Language
  • Training for MONEF staff and sectoral associations
  • International trainings


The survey on Labor relations and regulations, wages, internal and external influences, workforce and stability of legal environment is carrying out in order to successful implementation of business activity.

MONEF is regularly conducting a survey for members and private sectors on social needs, demands. 

Main direction of the survey:

  • Wage system
  • Condition of Labor relation
  • Occupational Safety and Health
  • Survey on Labor market quantities and quality
  • Job description
  • State intelligence and financial expenditure
  • Human resource management in Private sector
  • Informal Mining survey
  • Corruption and bureaucracy
  • Legal Duplication
  • New relations
  • Chartered survey on Public Private Sector Partnership
  • Job description in Mining sector
  • Evaluation of Public Private sector partnership

Consulting services:

  • Introduction of Occupational Safety and Health management system
  • Finance and tax report, to do an internal finance inspection
  • Development of business projects and curriculum
  • Labor dispute settlement
  • Representing in court and government agencies
  • Human resource management
  • Wage and social issues
  • E-mail Marketing
  • Public organization information
  • New law and legislations
  • Investment and cooperation
  • Law complex information
  • Government agencies inspections
  • Labor market information
  • Internal and external trainings and seminars
  • Internal and external exhibitions
  • Bank, finance and loan
  • Government agencies principle acts
  • Activities organized by embassies
  • Cooperating International Organization
  • Others  

E-mail marketing:

The Mongolian Employers’ Federation is pleased to introduce E-information services to enterprises, employers and business units. The companies and employers involved in our e-mail marketing information service will have an advantage on delivering the information on companies’ new services and products to 30.000 enterprises and 70.000 costumers through email and will receive information and news regarding to government solutions, policies, legal acts and news on seasonable topics.

Financial consultancy service:

This service will help enterprises to prepare quarterly and annual financial report together with consultancy service on financial issues, development of projects, tax related issues, external evaluation on financial documents, consultancy in business project development, mediation service with international consultancy and improvement of the knowledge on tax related issues.

Human Resource Management network:

This service will help enterprises to capacity building of their Human Resource Managers, experience sharing, Information Distribution on Labor Market and development of human resource management in private sector.

Legal Consultants network:

This service is providing legal related information to enterprises and helping to develop legal documents, projects and programme through Legal consultants network.

Training and consultancy service on Occupational Safety and Health management system:

This service will provide an excellent result from the Occupational Safety and Health management system in enterprises. Also will have a significance priority system and will not have irresponsible employee.  

Workplace risk management:

This service will crew up danger reveal and evaluation, to do prevention activities, to improve workplace conditions and employees satisfaction etc conditions.

Labor mediation center

The labor mediation center of MONEF started its activity since 2003.

For employers:

  • Preparation of HR for enterprises
  • Initial selection of HR for enterprises
  • Propose candidates to enterprises
  • Evaluation of workforce professional skills

For job seekers:

  • support career development of employee
    • Short term with high quality
    • If you are interested in high paid workplace
    • If you want to change your workplace
  • If you are looking for new workplace
  • If you are willing to be employed in international organization

Your right choice- Labor mediation center 1941

“Labor mediation” newspaper:

“Labor mediation” newspaper was developed in 02nd of November. 

1200 copies of labor mediation newspaper are printed every week and 120 000 individuals and enterprises are receiving online version of the newspaper since March 2010.

The newspaper includes information related to labor relation, upcoming meetings and seminars and 10 000 new workplaces, 400 job seekers information.

Business development center

The main objective of the center is to support new businesses with new idea by involving in trainings and seminars which is providing with the information regarding to business consulting, project development, market condition, foreign investment and financing. 

Employee evaluation center.

  • The main objective of the center is to evaluate employees’ skills and qualification and mediate them into workplaces.
  • The trainings for employee will be organized basing on skills, qualification and employer and employee will both benefit from this activity.

Manager training programme  

The manager training programme is implemented in Mongolia since 2009 by the agreement signed between Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.  The target group of the manager training programme is senior managers and executives from light industry, tourism, agriculture, publishing, and mining and construction sectors. The participants of the programme will have possibility to stay one month in Germany and share experience and information with German company.

Start and improve your business programme:

“Start and Improve your business” programme is an International Labour office’s management complex and moduled training programme. Through employment increases supporting Small and Medium enterprises which is developed for developing and economic transforming countries.

The main purpose of “Start and Improve your business programme”:

To provide economic increase, Small and Medium enterprises workplace increase through regional small and medium enterprises entrepreneurs’ capacity building.

Targeted group of the programme:

Person, citizens, entrepreneurs who wants to run an own business and develop their business.

This programme contains from main two parts. “Start your business” and “Improve your business”. Mongolian Employers’ Federation is implementing this programme in collaboration with Ministry of food, agriculture and light industry, Ministry of Social welfare and labor. This progamme previously started to implement in 2001. in 2004, organized 19 trainers preparing trainings and totally graduated 255 trainers  who has a rights to organize a training. The total number of trainers has increased to 5000.

Dear Sir/Madam,

  • Have an business idea
  • Wants to start your business
  • Wants to increase your profit
  • Wants to create your own workplace
  • Wants to obtain business experience
  • Wants to obtain financial knowledge
  • Wants to obtain skills to develop business plan
  • Wants to improve your business skills
  • Wants to develop own business
  • Wants to learn business experience
  • Wants to get financial service you can contact with us and involve in a ‘Start and improve your business training’programme.

Mongolian Government pronounced 2009 as a “Supporting Industrialization year” and much more considered in a development of business legal environment.. In Mongolia we started to implement International Labor organization’s Start and improve your business programme since 2003 till now. During the implementation we observed that need to create entrepreneurs through providing the young and youth people business culture and education. 

Within supporting the development of SME activities, under the purpose of providing a systematized education and business experience in collaboration issued ordinance with Minister of education, culture and science, Minister of Manufactory and Trade /old name/, Minister of Social welfare and labor and President of Mongolian Employers’ Federation in 13th of June 2007 decided to implement International Labour Organization’s “Know about business” programme trial training in Mongolia. In this ordinance specified that starting from  2008-2009’s school new year need to provide a training for secondary school pupils, all the vocational training, manufacturing centre, college graduates etc.,

Social audit – social responsibility:

Social audit is the system which conducts external evaluation of third party to companies social responsibility, providing information to employers and interested parties on workers right, workplace, work condition and management system on volunteer basis which gives a possibility to improve the failings. 

Aim and scope: 

Social audit aims to provide certain type of power to protect the person who provides the services, shippers and the environment at the company level and developed basing on international human right principles and national regulations. Social audit defines the requirements of social responsibility and gives following possibility to companies:


Process of social auditing:

  1. Inspection, development of the policy, rules and revision of the policy and the validation of them
  2. To present the interested of parties in a current policy and rules are correspond with above mentioned standards.
  3. To pronounce in public, the organization running their business according to social responsibility therefore will get more foreign investment.
  4. To get ‘Social License’ from the consumers

Above mentioned criteria is operating in all type of organization. 

The organization should follow the following international standards:

  • SA-8000 (International Social Accountability)
  • ISO 26000 ( International Standard on Corporate Social responsibility )
  • International Labor Organization’s 29th , 105th convention about forced labour
  • International Labor Organization’s 87th convention about Freedom of Association Freedom of Join Forces
  • 98th convention about collaborating agreement rights
  • 100 and 111th convention about anti discrimination and gender wage equality
  • 135th convention about employees representatives
  • 198th convention and 146t consulting about minimum age of the employment
  • 155th convention and 164th consulting about Occupational Safety and Health
  • 177th convention about home employees
  • 182nd convention about unbearable form of the child labor
  • Global declaration about Human rights
  • United nation’s convention about anti women discrimination

To increase employer’s participation in worst forms of the child labor:

Since 2003, our federation started to implement in a collaboration with International Labor Organization’s elimination of child labor “Aipek” programme under the purpose to increase involvement of employers in a elimination of worst forms of child labor.

We are providing all kind of assistance like guide book, training curriculum, methodology, survey, announcement, necessary information in involvement of employers for elimination of worst forms of child labor.  

Common 10 principles for prevention on HIV/AIDS in workplace:

Mongolian Employers’ Federation under the support of Ministry of health and Global fund’s financing implementing “prevention on HIV/AIDS in workplace” project since 2006-2011.

The project is focused on employers and employees’ capacity building and establishing an enterprise with HIV/AIDS prevention policy and programme.

Through the private sector HIV/AIDS prevention policy and programme will have an opportunity to prevent HIV/AIDS in workplace and right ethics for employees, keep secrets in case of HIV/AIDS reveal, to encourage infected person and creation of management complex mechanism for employers, employees and their representative organizations role and involvement.

Since the project implementation time, Mongolian Employers’ Federation created “Prevention of HIV/AIDS in workplace” policy and programme for 300 enterprises and involved more than 45000 employers’ prevention on HIV/AIDS training.

Code of conduct for employers’:

In an economic frame:

  • To report correctly and on time own organization activities report,
  • To provide a supporting in a country budget by paying tax regularly and on time,
  • To provide a support in a country budget through continuously factoring of value added products,
  • To more consider on profit sharing with employees issues
  • To more consider in following thing when sharing the profit
  • To make an accumulation
  • Human resource development
  • Health
  • Education
  • To support countries economic development
  • To reduce the poverty etc issues.

In a social insurance frame:

  • In order to make social wealth, according to law and legislation has to pay contractor social insurance
  • To estimate wage and bonus honestly in order to estimate social insurance correctly
  • To consider in improvement of social insurance relation

In the respecting of employment rights frame:

  • Regarding to country law, convention and international contract has to allegiance the employment rights in carrying out activities framework.
  • To agree and respect the rights to make a collaborating agreement and freedom of association join forces freedom in workplace.
  • The elimination of forced labor all type in workplace
  • The elimination of unbearable form of child labor
  • To ban of discrimination in employment and professional frame
  • To organize activities  to improve education and knowledge in employment right level

In the respecting of Human rights frame:  

  • Through country law, convention and international contract protect the human right in workplace
  • To ban accidental and intentional activities in
  • To implement responsibilities regarding to law and to start improve the labour relation participating parties skills and knowledge when protecting the human rights
  • To include human rights activities in organization yearly plan and report the implementation.

To support honest competitiveness frame:  

  • To put through the activities which is supporting honest competition in main objective of the activity frame
  • Refuse to get dishonest reputation in market
  • In order to improve the competitiveness skills in internal and external market need to enhance honest competitiveness
  • To eliminate wrong information and anti reputation activities

Anti corruption and bribery

  • To make a prevention on corruption
  • To refuse make an understanding of corruption interest
  • To fight against all type of bribery and oppression
  • To encourage interception of public and government organization’s corruption and bribery network

In Protecting of environment range:

  • To consider on usage of resource and environment protection
  • To support the ideas on protection of environment and give an assistance on financial issues.
  • To use a
  • To prize the employee and teams who has worked hard on environment protection issues.

In a Social Partnership frame:

  • To express your position regarding to social partnership relation principles
  • To make an own contribution in development of social partnership
  • To support and collaborate with Nongovernment organizations which is established in professional and regional position

In the Occupational Safety and Health frame:

  • To participate in the implementation and determination of Occupational Safety and Health policy
  • To provide an assistance on implementation of Occupational safety and Health management system and workplace risk management
  • To organize a training a involve Osh managers in the training
  • To create a system for all level of managers to prioritize the OSH issues
  • To develop ethics to prevent from the OSH mistakes
  • To include OSH issues in a business parts

Regional branches contacting address and name of Heads:


For Development of Private sector

For Decent work

For Good governance